Monday, May 10, 2010

I Love Videos!

correa & bartoletti from Patrick Richardson Wright on Vimeo.

I know I posted a show flier and then photos from Nick/Franks art show. But my friend Patrick Wrights Video is now completed from the night and blows me away. Proud to be in this and have a motion picture memory of such a fun night. Enjoy!

Winner's Circle Presents The Making Of A T-Shirt from Winners Circle on Vimeo.

Also helped snap a few photos for my buddy's JR and Pheed for a short little video they just made showing what really goes into Making a T Shirt. From concept to sale. Enjoy!

Last but not least, my friends BUTTS (Rachel & Shannon) have released a video for their song Panty Exchange. Done by the talented and hilarious Carlos Lopez. Definitly an epic worth the watch!

1 comment:

Kristopher Hannum said...

I haven't missed Seattle in a while, but seeing so many friends in one spot is pulling at my heart strings!