1. Lawrimore Project Presents: Isaac Layman 110%
This local photographer has created some stunning large photo prints of everyday objects that look hardly ordinary in these photos. Through layering multiple scans of 4x5's Isaac has created one of the coolest shows I've seen in awhile. Really draws you in and makes you see much more than you ever did from things like Otter Pops, Hot Dog Package, or my favorite; a Door Knob/Keyhole titled Basement. Lawrimore project is one of, if not the nicest art spaces in town. Couldn't imagine a better home for this show

2. Greg Kucera Gallery Presents: Walleyed by: Tennis Whiting.
I'm a little behind on this one as it isnt the galleries primary focus during July. However many of the pieces are still on display including my two favorites including Mastadon & Pegboard Painting. Some of the most original and beautiful paintings, sculptures, and drawings ive seen in awhile. See it in person while you can.

3. Pun(c)tuation Gallery presents FANKULT's Cry Me A River...And Go Drown In It
Jay's Collage work really came together for this show. I think its some of the most honest, edgy, response drawing art being made in Seattle. From a man who knows his stuff inside and out. His piece titles & attention (or lack of attention) to the details makes it stand out.
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